Sunday, June 28, 2009

be careful what u wish for..

it may come true..hmm..i have to chant this mantra over and over in my head..


picture this - you'll be wishing for something good of course, unless u are a twisted human being to wish for something bad for yourself! you get what you want, but remember, every actions result in reactions, so you may not get the reactions that you wanted because for a simple reason that it is beyond your control!

so, assuming you get what i'm trying to say here, should we be wishing for anything, or shouldn't we? considering the unpredictable outcome? much should you wish for then - to minimise the risk of getting the reactions that is unfavourable to you?

when they came out with this saying why didn't they say how much care should you exercise when making a wish?

hmmm..complicated huh?

don't worry about all this - just some crap brain exercise i'm doing here...

the one thing i'm not good at


That's it..i hate to be kept waiting..good news bad news just let me have's better than no news at all..agreed?
since it's not up to me then wait i shall...bencinye!

when the going gets tough..

i would say that was by far the most difficult challenge i had in my 30++ years of life..and am glad that it is now over..
when i say the most difficult..i really mean it! i couldn't stop thinking about it for almost a week, pondering over my decision - was it the right one? or was i jumping the gun, OTT? but in the end I came to decide that i did what i had to do, my concience is clear and just persevere..
and i believe GOD is with me in this..Alhamdulillah! Allah the Almighty!
am so glad it's over, at least it's not constantly in my mind now...i have moved on....

Friday, June 19, 2009


today is a very trying day for me!

it starts right at the beginning..i forgot my notebook..only realised it when i reached the office in bandar utama...supposed to have a briefing session with the staff..the speaker turned up late..i couldnt contact her cause her number is in the diary which was in the backpack which i forgot..arrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

i had to register myself at the security counter before entering the building, left my phone on the counter there.....went up to 18th floor, couldnt go thru the door, tried to call the colleague inside...whammm....couldnt find my phone!!!!!!

rushed down to concourse area...retrieve the phoen from the security guard....went back up....waited......

then back to the other office.....sent out a reminder email...somebody get offended by my email...yada yada yada....

so what? suck it up!

left office...feeling like crap..TGIF..

i'm not gonna let these series of events ruin my weekend!!!! i'm so gonna enjoy it!!

till monday....i'm just gonna be in the state of oblivion, in the mean time............